If The Office Is A Mess, We'll Help With The Stress!
You know you need help, but you're not sure how much or even where to start. Most small to medium sized businesses get to this point. MainStreet Business Services can help. Below are some of the services we perform daily for companies just like yours. Contact us today to see how we can help your business with professional, experienced freelance administrative services.
QuickBooks Set-Up and Management
Working with your accountant, we will set up your QuickBooks to give them the information they need. If you need ongoing help, we will work with you to give you the support you need. Or we can train you to do the entries on your own, with periodic oversight.
Business Correspondence & Email Campaigns
Need help with mass mailings or newsletter? We’ll handle it efficiently and in a manner that will make you pleased to attach your name.
Accounting Support
We’ll make sure your books are ready for your accountant.
This saves the accountant precious time and saves you money!
Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable
Every business needs to know how much money is coming in and when, as well as what is due to be paid out and when. We help make this process as painless as possible.
Office Organization
Is the system you have working for you? We can help keep you caught up, give your system a few tweaks, or re-do the entire system to make it more workable for you.